Minggu, 30 November 2008

chi-Q-nie Bibliotheque [bachelor project semester 6, 2002]

This library center represents a response from Indonesia’s latest condition in the last few years. At the present we are in the grey point, a waiting point, the in-between condition (condition between disorder and order) or that is called turbulence.

The journey to the third Millennium for the Indonesian people had turn into a tragical and antithesis journey. The future optimism had become a pessimism. The joy, captivation and greed euphoria had turn into a hysterical panic, violence and brutality. The futuristic dream had turn into a multi-dimensional crisis ghosts (the economy, social, moral and spiritual crisis).

As if there were a invisible horrifying power that we have been living in for years, a power that had spread the seeds of violence, brutality, million of fears, desperation, terrors, intimidation, threads, million of hysteria, and madness as a way to find and defend its authority and had turn into a simulacrum machine, that reproduce power by spreading fakeness and falseness.

But then, there was a collective effort to demolish the structures and parasites of the economic, politic, law, and culture that was feudalistic, monopolistic, collusive, nepotic, repressive, centralistic and exclusive; that altogether was based by one of the thinking model, or an intellectual strategy that is later called DECONSTRUCTION.

Work Description
Title : chi-Q-nie Bibliotheque
Location : Cikini, Jakarta, Indonesia
Status : Bachelor Project Semester 6
School : Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Year : 2002
* Winner of Appreciation or equivalent to 2nd prize winner of ICI Paints Color Awards 2002 for Commercial/Institution/Worship Building Category, Exterior Building/Planning Sketch Class, Professional Participant Group held by ICI Paints Indonesia, Jakarta
* Exhibited for Architecture Exhibition on Open House of Architecture UI 2002 “ART-Chitecture”, at UI Depok, 2002
* Exhibited and Presented on 3 Biggest Universities in Indonesia: Architecture Join Exhibition 2003, at UI Depok

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