Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

Pedestrian, abc & (dis)Comforts [videography project, 2006]

This project is one of the issues from the videography project: Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans? “urban distortion phenomenon of Jakarta in design perspective” [:campaign project] -- an initiative urban campaign project to critize the urban phenomenon of Jakarta. With his colleague, Priyanto under the team called urbVIZ [:studio] or Urban Visualization Studio, Sigit tried to expose some issues and want to stress on some problem in Jakarta as one of megapolitan cities in the world.

Pedestrian, abc & (dis)Comforts
[issue #02]

[scroll down for English version]

[Bahasa Indonesia]

Latar Belakang
Jalan kaki. Entah kenapa ada sebuah pertanyaan (di kepala penulis), kenapa masyarakat Jakarta malah berjalan kaki, padahal ada yang namanya trotoar. Jawabannya bisa bermacam-macam. Karena panas (memang Jakarta panas), karena debu bus kota yang membabi buta, karena tidak nyaman dengan kondisi pedestrian yang tidak terawat, atau karena sekedar gengsi jika harus berjalan kaki di kota Jakarta yang fasilitas transportasinya telah lengkap (meski tidak juga terbebas dari kemungkinan-kemungkinan diatas). Namun ternyata setelah kita coba sedikit lihat lebih jauh, kemungkinan itu tidak hanya sebatas itu. Sering kita melihat di televisi atau film-film (barat), betapa tenangnya seorang aktris berjalan sendiri di tengah kota, sendiri, bahkan sudah agak malam. Ternyata memang, kondisi pedestrian di kota tercinta yang bernama Jakarta ini cukup kronis. Seorang pejalan kaki seolah tidak diberi ruang untuk berjalan, bahkan tanpa menggunakan predikat ‘nyaman’. Memang perlu diakui juga tidaklahsemua jalur pedestrian di Jakarta ini sudah diperkosa habis semua oleh para penjahat-penjahat jalanan, dan sudah ada sedikit upaya dari pihak yang memang berwenang untuk menangani permalahan tersebut.

Tujuan dari projek ini menjadi sebuah pertanyaan, apakah masih perlu adanya jalur pedestrian. Atau sekalipun kita masih berjalan di jalur pedestrian yang memang ada, apakah itu memang untuk pejalan kaki, atau memang bukan untuk pejalan kaki saja.


Walking. There is a big question in the head of filmaker, why Jakarta society is quite lazy to walk, whereas there is a pedestrian path. The answer could be variable. Because of hot (indeed, Jakarta is very hot), or dust from the city bus which like a machine gun, or there is gangster that ready to rob with their weapons, or because of not convenient with the condition, or even prestige to ride a vehicle. Apparently after we try to look further, the possibility is not only those reasons. We often watch on the television or wester film, how all the pedestrian is very convenient to walk alone in the middle of the city even in the midnight. In fact the conditon of pedestrian path in Jakarta is very chronic. A pedestrian is not given a space to walk, even without “comfort” term. We can admit that not all of the pedestrian path in Jakarta have been ripped by the street felon, but there is also some effort from the municipality to solve these problems.

The purpose of this project is as a question if Jakarta still needs a pedestrian path. Or eventhough we still walk in that pedestrian path, is it only for pedestrian or is it also for other users?

video #03 - Pedestrian, abc & (dis)Comforts
youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQOOVq7ifmI&feature=channel_page

another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site:
[captured video]: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/photos/album/8

This project has been presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22 on 24 Februari 2006. The documentations can be found in this link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/belajardesain/photos/album/2082583944/pic/list

Poster Design by Sigit Kusumawijaya

Work Description:
Title: Pedestrian, abc & (dis)Comforts

Director: Priyanto
Editing: Priyanto
Duration: 6'29''
* Entry for
OK Video 2006, International Video Competition held by Ruang Rupa, Jakarta
* Presented and exhibited on Open House Arsitektur UI, Januari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22, 24 Februari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Forum of Indonesian Young Architect (Forum Arsitek Muda Indonesia/AMI), Jakarta
* Published on OUTMAGZ Magazine vol.13//April 2006//COLOR on page 58-61

Coloring the Gloominess of Jakarta Concrete [videography project, 2006]

This project is one of the issues from the videography project: Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans? “urban distortion phenomenon of Jakarta in design perspective” [:campaign project] -- an initiative urban campaign project to critize the urban phenomenon of Jakarta. With his colleague, Priyanto under the team called urbVIZ [:studio] or Urban Visualization Studio, Sigit tried to expose some issues and want to stress on some problem in Jakarta as one of megapolitan cities in the world.

Coloring the Gloominess of Jakarta Concrete
(reducing stress in the middle of Jakarta traffic) [issue #01]

[scroll down for English version]

[Bahasa Indonesia]

Latar Belakang
Isu ini ingin mengangkat permasalahan urban Jakarta yang paling jelas terlihat, yaitu masalah kemacetan jalan raya. Apa yang dirasakan para pengendara ketika mengalami macet? Apakah mereka merasa suntuk atau bahkan stres ketika menunggu dalam kemacetan? Kalau kebanyakan pengendara mengalami hal-hal itu, kita mencoba mencari tahu apa yang dapat menjadi penyebab keadaan suntuk atau stres tersebut. Penyebab-penyebab tersebut coba dihubungkan dengan psikologi arsitektur, seperti efek warna dalam ruang publik terhadap psikologis manusia. Apakah warna-warna dalam ruang publik tersebut dapat mempengaruhi psikologis manusia? Apakah warna-warna suram yang terdapat di bypass, flyover, maupun underpass dapat membuat pengaruh terhadap psikologis orang-orang yang sedang mengalami kemacetan menjadi lebih stress ataupun mempengaruhi emosi manusia?

Tujuan dari projek ini adalah untuk mengangkat fenomena kemacetan yang terjadi di urban Jakarta dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap psikologis orang yang sedang mengalaminya.


The issue wants to raise the problem of urban Jakarta which we can see clearly, traffic jam. What do the drivers feel when they trap in the traffic? Are they feel bored, weary, tired or even stress when they wait in the busy traffic line? If most of the driver suffer with those kind of feelings, we try to find what caused it. The reasons try to be related with the architecture psychology, for instance the colour effect in the public space towards the human psychology. Are those colours in the public space can affect towards the human psychology? Is the gloomy concrete on the wall of flyover and underpass can make an influence to the psychology of people who trap in the traffic more stress or affect human emotion?

The purpose is to raise the phenomenon of traffic happened in urban Jakarta and how the effects towards psychology of human who trap in it.

video #02 - Coloring the Gloominess of Jakarta Concrete
youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwJoHG-oujY&feature=channel_page

another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site:
[captured video]: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/photos/album/9

This project has been presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22 on 24 Februari 2006. The documentations can be found in this link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/belajardesain/photos/album/2082583944/pic/list

Poster Design by Sigit Kusumawijaya

Work Description:
Title: Coloring the Gloominess of Jakarta Concrete

Director: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Editing: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Duration: 6'56''
* Entry for
OK Video 2006, International Video Competition held by Ruang Rupa, Jakarta
* Presented and exhibited on Open House Arsitektur UI, Januari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22, 24 Februari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Forum of Indonesian Young Architect (Forum Arsitek Muda Indonesia/AMI), Jakarta
* Published on OUTMAGZ Magazine vol.13//April 2006//COLOR on page 58-61

Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans? [videography project, 2006]

This is an initiative urban campaign project to critize the urban phenomenon of Jakarta. With his colleague, Priyanto under the team called urbVIZ [:studio] or Urban Visualization Studio, Sigit tried to expose some issues and want to stress on some problem in Jakarta as one of megapolitan cities in the world.

Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans?
“urban distortion phenomenon of Jakarta in design perspective” [:campaign project]

[scroll down for English version]

[Bahasa Indonesia]

Latar Belakang
Fenomena urban Jakarta yang sering kita lihat dan sekaligus rasakan mungkin sudah banyak dijadikan wacana oleh beberapa pihak. Beberapa fenomena urban tersebut kami coba mengangkatnya dalam bentuk media video art. Realita masalah-masalah perkotaan yang banyak terjadi di Jakarta seperti masalah kemacetan, kekurang-empatian warga terhadap sesamanya, penyalah-gunaan fungsi-fungsi dan lain-lainnya cukup menarik untuk diangkat sebagai salah satu bentuk kepedulian kita terhadap kota Jakarta. Kami melihat dan mengamati, masih banyak warga yang kurang peka maupun terlebih lagi kurang peduli akan beberapa masalah yang memang sudah banyak di depan mata. Projek ini merupakan proyek kampanye untuk sedikit menggugah atau istilah kami “menyentil” warga Jakarta bahwa di sekeliling kita banyak masalah-masalah urban yang perlu dicermati, dianalisis bahkan diselesaikan untuk mencapai kondisi yang lebih baik dan ideal bagi semua pihak dan kalangan. Dampak globalisasi juga sangat terasa bagi Jakarta yang cenderung ‘kaget’ oleh budaya baru (budaya luar) yang datang. Banyak penyalah-gunaan bahasa dalam ruang publik, tidak terkendalinya pembangunan lahan dan gedung komersial seperti mal-mal yang menjamur dimana-mana bahkan banyak yang diletakkan di tempat-tempat yang menurut mereka (pengembang) strategis, padahal di tempat tersebut terdapat landmark wilayah tersebut yang hampir tergeserkan porsi keberadaannya. Produk dari proyek ini akan coba ditampilkan dalam beberapa pameran video art atau urban dalam beberapa instalasi yang kami harapkan dapat dinikmati oleh semua warga dan kalangan masyarakat agar dapat memberi sumbangan ide dan pemikiran untuk kota tercinta ini.


The phenomenon of Jakarta urban that we often see and feel has already been a discourse by many elements. Some of that urban phenomenon tries to be raised in the media format of video art. The reality of urban problems happened in Jakarta, for instance: traffic jam, malfunctions of space, less empathies of the Jakarta inhabitants and so on, are very interesting to be discussed as our consideration to Jakarta city. We saw and observed that still so many inhabitants are not sensitive and indeed are careless about all the problems right in front of our eyes. This project are a campaign project that try to arouse or our term is “to snap society’s fingers” that in our surrounding there are still many problems that we need to be sensitive, to analyze and solve to achieve better and ideal condition for every elements in Jakarta. The globalizations effects also can be felt by Jakarta that has a tendencies of shocking by the incoming western culture. Many misuse of language in the public space, uncontrollable of development and commercial building like the mushrooming of big super mall located which they (developer) think that it is strategic, but there is a landmark that it’s meaning already been shifted. The product of this project has already been exposed and presented in some video art and urban exhibitions in some installations that we expect can be watched by the society so that can give a contribution of idea and thought to our beloved city.

The issues (will be explained in the next blog):
> Coloring the Gloominess of Jakarta Concrete (reducing stress in the middle of Jakarta’s traffic)
> Pedestrian,abc & (dis)Comforts
> re-PUZZLING Bus Shelter (focusing on bus shelter contextuality)
> (toothless) famed Landmark

video #00 - Brainstorming (Jakarta, beginning of 21st Century)
youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyQJeMrwl-I&feature=channel_page

another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site:
[captured video]: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/photos/album/11

video #01 - Intro (Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans?)
youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acyn3UtB_VU&feature=channel_page

another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site:
[captured video]: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/photos/album/10
[video]: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/video/item/44

This project has been presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22 on 24 Februari 2006. The documentations can be found in this link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/belajardesain/photos/album/2082583944/pic/list

Poster Design by Sigit Kusumawijaya

Work Description:
Title: Where R Ur Empathies, Jakartans?

Director: Sigit Kusumawijaya & Priyanto
Editing: Sigit Kusumawijaya & Priyanto
Duration: 1'48''
Director: Sigit Kusumawijaya & Priyanto
The discussion partners & contributors:
Open House Arsitektur UI 2006 comittee, Andra Matin, Avianti Armand, Andi Pratama, Gatot Roseno Aji, Margunawan & Vistavastu (architect), Iriantine Karnaya (artist), Davy Linggar (photographer), Erick Budhi Yulianto (Belajar Desain Community), Ade Darmawan & Dimas Jayasrana (Ruangrupa), Aram Kaleva & Babam (Graphic Visualizer), Yoso Bayudono (model), Adhi Nugroho (comic artist), Ardiansyah (contributor), Indhira Sagita, Jessica Patria, Ronny Gani, Marissa Aviana, Muttabati, Ika, Dewi Andhika P., Fathur Rohman, Merilira Indra, Prasetya Andhika W., R.M Ramadana P., Susanto GP., Windy Harfiani (students)
* Entry for
OK Video 2006, International Video Competition held by Ruang Rupa, Jakarta
* Presented and exhibited on Open House Arsitektur UI, Januari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #22, 24 Februari 2006, Jakarta
* Presented on Forum of Indonesian Young Architect (Forum Arsitek Muda Indonesia/AMI), Jakarta
* Published on OUTMAGZ Magazine vol.13//April 2006//COLOR on page 58-61

Jumat, 12 Desember 2008

Belajar Desain Gathering Opening Clip [videography project, 2006]

This clip is the project for Belajar Desain Gathering. The clip is always played for the opening of the Belajar Desain Gathering. As explained in the older post before, BELAJAR DESAIN (in english we name it DESIGN LEARNING), is an open designers community for young designers, artist, architects and other design practitioners to discuss and exhibit their works regularly.We established since October 2004 and already have more than 3500 mailing list members in December 2008.

[architecture, interior, graphic, product, visual communication, art, music, dancing, theater, photography, film & cinematography, writing, fashion, and other kind of design]

to subscribe, send a blank email to: belajardesain-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
we also have GROUP in FACEBOOK, called DESIGN LEARNING [: designers open community] in this link: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=33698896886 (you should have a Facebook account to join)

youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZOWX5T0nz0&feature=channel_page

another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/video/item/41

Work Description:
Title: Belajar Desain Gathering Opening Clip
Director: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Editing: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Duration: 1'49''

Pakubuwono Lawyer Office [Work Experienced Project at Andra Matin Architect, 2005]

This lawyer office project finished at 2006, was also designed officially by Andra Matin Architect (Jakarta) on 2004-2005. In this project, my position here is a project architect. The client has a big popularity in law field in Indonesia. Their old office was located at the penthouse of one of the tallest building in Jakarta, Mulia Tower at the Sudirman CBD. They wanted to move their office closer to the ground. They built their office in one of the area which easily accessible to other main road in the sotuh of Jakarta. This office has four floors including basement parking plus roof garden at the top level. The concept of the interior is unusual for the lawyer firm by playing the height of the floors. Each level has two different heights and is separated by void to the ground level. All the rooms are transparent with glass as a partition so that the space looks bigger and wider.

The expression of the exterior try to match with the facade expression of building surround. This area, called Pakubuwono, quite famous with the identity of its building exterior expression. The area was a housing area for Dutch inhabitants and some rich Indonesian which has unique character for their house facade, called Jenky house. Using metal material as a mask this building try to translate that expression.

Materials used in this project are variable. However the image wanted to be expressed here is the natural material. By using the original colour of each material, the concept is want this building has a natural artistic image. Rust iron, wood and glass are dominant as a partition of every room whether office room and meeting room. The floor use white marble and concrete layered by carpet in the interior and wood and granite for the exterior. We also designed the furniture as it has to fit with the unique shape of each room.

We propose several other rooms beside main room for office activities. Entertainment and game room are provided in the ground floor area as the workers need to relax in their break time. The other unique characterisitic of this project is that small swimming pool is added in the first floor hanging with the big and strong concrete support it. From the entrance on the outside we could not see this pool as it is covered by the metal facade of this building in front. This swimming pool can be seen from the office room in the first floor or above. There is also garden in the deck of second floor.

When we enter this building, the space called “Laptop Bar”, parallel with the ramp will greet us. This idea is came from the bar that we use it as a space for guest or workers who want to use their laptop or have some small meeting. In the backside of this building you will find small garden as a void and also as a smoking room. It is surrounded by glass wall which the stair from basement floor to the top of the building is behind it. We also propose glass floor as it was designed as a small void before. Due to the strict cost and safety it was changed as a glass floor which also add the uniqueness of the building interior. 9 by 3 meter swimming pool is located in the front of the building at the first floor as it is can be seen from the office room next to it. This building was succesfully finished at 2007 when I as a project architect had left Andra Matin Architect at 2006. However I designed this project from the beginning until the start of the construction.

(except for the layout, all images are copyright Andra Matin Architects, 2005)

Work Description
Title: Pakubuwono Lawyer Office
Location : Pakubuwono, Jakarta, Indonesia
Status : Finished Project
Year : 2005-2006
Office : Andra Matin Architects, Jakarta, Indonesia
Team : Andra Matin (Principal), Sigit Kusumawijaya (Project Architect), Noerhadi (ext. Project Architect), Angie Miranti (Interior Designer), Heddy Poernomo (Model Maker), Asep Tatang (Drafter)

Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

"Journey", Andra Matin Architects installation at CP Biennale 2005 [Exhibition Project for Andra Matin Architect, 2005]

The project led by Andra Matin Architect was exhibited at CP Biennale 2005: "urban/culture" held by CP Foundation (http://www.cp-foundation.org/) at the Bank Indonesia Museum in Kota, Jakarta from September 5, 2005 to October 5, 2005. This second CP Biennale has been designed to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia and the 50th anniversary of the Asia-Africa Conference.

The curation of CP Biennale II, 2005 is meant to provide a clearer look at the social function of art, particularly in Indonesia. The Theme Urban/Culturesets forth a variety of issues: development and progress, social problems, economics and politics, as well as the matter of history. A seminar with the theme "Urban Reflection", which was held on September 6, during the CP Biennale II, 2005, deal specifically with the various dimensions of the problems facing urban communities.

Andra Matin Architects Installation: "Perjalanan (Journey)"

Dimensions vary


(architecture model, maquette/model, multimedia)

project #1: Gedong Panjang and Pluit Interchange under-toll road settlement
Ever since roadways in Jakarta multiply in dimension, I believe we need to start thinking about new spaces emerging around it. The team focused on studying the spatial typology of spaces beneath the flyover and came out with creative and realistic solutions.

Two sections of the flyover that circles around Jakarta have been chosen: Gedong Panjang and Pluit Interchange.

Each space has unique characters that clearly differentiate its core problems with one another.

Together, the problems will envisage the diverse problems that surfaced along with the development of flyovers in a developing metropolis like Jakarta.

project #2: Blok M - Taman Puring (Puring Park) strip
The ideas for the project emerged from an interesting phenomenon about spatial experience that will be seen if we can further explore our walk from Blok M through Taman Puring. There is a vivid differentiation of economic levels and an abundance of spatial experiences between Blok M area and Mayestik if we seriously develop the analysis from the walk.

There is an enormous potential of roadside street vendors. The secondhand electronic market, bird market, fruit market, flower market, fish market, food-stalls, and the two lush parks will form a coagulation whose presence, when unmasked from the roadside vendors lining up around them, will be felt more significantly by the people living around that area.

(except for the layout, all images are copyright Andra Matin Architects, 2005; photographs are copyright of Davy Linggar)

Work Description
Title: Perjalanan (Journey), Andra Matin Architects installation for CP Biennale 2005: "urban/culture"
Location : Bank Indonesia Museum in Kota, Jakarta, Indonesia
Status : Exhibition Project
Date : September 5, 2005 - October 5, 2005
Office : Andra Matin Architects, Jakarta, Indonesia
Team :
Principal: Andra Matin
Project Manager: Sigit Kusumawijaya,
Astrid Susanti
Team Members: Avianti Armand, Andi Pratama, Noerhadi, Patisandhika Sidarta
Photographer and video editor: Davy Linggar, Tintin Wulia
Panel Graphic Layout: Hermawan Tanzil
Model Maker: Heddy Poernomo and students from University of Indonesia
Students: Muttabati Arafatiani, Grita Anglila, Alexander Mario Rannu, Hardyanthony Wiratama, Anjasmoro Maroef, Andi Indra Utama, Paskalis Khrisno Ayodyantoro (Gedong Panjang-Pluit Interchange Team); Ronny Gani, Indhira Sagita, Jessica Patria, Marissa Aviana, Andi Indra Utama, Sony Sutandhi (Blok M-Taman Puring Strip Team)

* Exhibited and presented at CP Biennale 2005: "urban/culture" at the Bank Indonesia Museum in Kota, Jakarta from September 5, 2005 to October 5, 2005
* Published on CP Biennale official site: http://biennale.cp-foundation.org/2005/cpb_2005.html
* Published on Kompas daily paper

Children Visual Perception [videography project, 2005]

This video has been presented & exhibited by Sigit Kusumawijaya & Avianti Armand in "Secondary Skin" Budi Pradono Architect Exhibition, Jakarta 2005

Children Visual Perception

We believe that children have their own spatial conception and it has a very close relationship to their visual perception. Children from kindergarten to elementary school have certain height different from grown ups. Although it matters a lot, we - grown ups, often forget about it.

This short movie was taken in different places and situation, from an angle we assume belong to average 7 year old kids, maybe about 110 cm to 120 cm from the ground. For grown ups, this, hopefully, can be used as a simple tool to understand different point of views. And for children, they have to be given this notification that they are important.

Shots took in :
- public bathroom
- escalator
- ramp to busway station
- busway ticket locket
- inside the busway
- on street intersection, below the traffic light
- crossing the very busy street
- inside a park, monas
- in the train station, gambir
- the fast food queue
- inside the national museum, in front of every exhibits
- inside a supermarket
- inside a cinema
- inside a basement parking lot
- in an elevator
- in a book store
- in a cd store
- in a snooker hall
- time zone
- end up in secondary skin exhibition

The duration of is about 10 minutes. Every change of scene is separated with a blank page, either white or black.

another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/video/item/14

Work Description:
Title: Children Visual Perception
Director: Sigit Kusumawijaya, Avianti Armand
Editing: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Duration: 10'00''
presented & exhibited in "Secondary Skin" Budi Pradono Architect Exhibition, Jakarta 2005

WAREhouse [Work Experienced Project at Andra Matin Architect, 2005]

This project was designed officially by Andra Matin Architect (Jakarta) on 2004-2005. As a project architect, I tried to translate the client's will to have his house look like a factory. We call this house as a "WAREhouse" for its concept. This 200 m2 house uses many unfinished materials to represent the concept. For its facade it uses perforated metal material with rust iron finish to make a "HARD" image. Other materials that are used for this house is refined plaster cement finish for wall without color painted and also for floor to make the interior more natural. The material of door and window frame are also use rust iron finish that still remain the natural dark blue color of the metal. The ceiling uses exposed steel frame in the living room and exposed wood in some rooms.

Located in East part of Jakarta which known as its high tropical temperature, this house uses cross ventilation and two big voids to flow the wind across through the house. These big voids also make the interior looks wider even-though the site area is not too large so that their kid can play freely.

Many rust iron finished materials are used in this house to emerge its artistic image. One of the element that use rust iron finish is the stair which is protected by thin plate balustrade that stretch from the floor until the half of house height. The stair step uses perforated steel plate which is usually used for catwalk in the factory. The exposed steel frame on the ceiling is also remained the color as its natural color. The aluminum foil and glass wool is inserted between the ceiling and the metal deck roof on the top of the house to reduce the heat.

Grey become the basic color of this house as can be seen at the floor and the wall. Its floor is finished with smooth plaster cement with grey floor hardener material to make this floor look glossy and easy to clean. The wall is also finished by its natural grey color to emerge its artistic image.

This project also uses many sun light games to eliminate the electricity use in the afternoon. Transparent glasses are put in the wall that is adjacent to the outside. The purpose is to let the sun light come into the house as much as possible. The first floor child room which is also adjacent to the outside in front of the house use transparent glass too. However, the building face to South West direction that means almost get the sunset light directly from the west. To reduce the direct sunset light, near massive iron plate is used in the facade. But as it is said on the top of this page, this near massive iron plate is perforated to still let the sun light come into the room dramatically. The sandblast glasses are used in the private owner's room like master bedroom and bathroom. This sandblast glasses still can be opened to let the wind flow across the room.

The project was successfully finished within one year with not spend a lot of budget to build if it is compared with the normal house price in Jakarta. Instead this project budget is quite cheap than others which has the same wide. Both the architect and the clients are satisfied with the design and the house application itself. This project has also been published in several architecture medias in Indonesia, for instance RUMAH Tabloid on 2006, LARAS Magazine (Mei 2007), and at Kompas.com (http://www.kompas.com/read/xml/2008/05/05/11462630/membuat.rumah.bernuansa.pabrik).

All photos were taken by the photographer of RUMAH Tabloid. Some photos have already been published in RUMAH Tabloid edition 91.IV/25 July-07 August 2006. Thanks to Dekardha Dian of RUMAH Tabloid.

another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multiply site: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/photos/album/48
this project has also been analyzed for the course of Territory (Grondgebied) [: Sun wind water earth life living; legends for design] (course code: AR2U070) in the MSc. of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2006, in the site: http://sigit2006grondgebied.wordpress.com/

This project has been presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #15 on 26 June 2005. The documentations can be found in this link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/belajardesain/photos/album/1545024098/pic/list
Poster Design by Sigit Kusumawijaya

Work Description
Title: Anto Residence
Location : Pulomas, Jakarta, Indonesia
Status : Finished Project
Year : 2004-2005
Office : Andra Matin Architects, Jakarta, Indonesia
Team : Andra Matin (Principal), Sigit Kusumawijaya (Project Architect), Heddy Poernomo (Model Maker)
* Presented on Belajar Desain [Design Learning] Gathering #15, 26 June 2005
* Published on RUMAH Tabloid, edition 91.IV/25 July-07 August 2006.
* Published on LARAS Magazine, #221, Mei 2007
* Published on Kompas.com at: http://www.kompas.com/read/xml/2008/05/05/11462630/membuat.rumah.bernuansa.pabrik

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

Is This the End of Us [videography project, 2005]

"is this the end of us"
cinematography projext #4-x 2005

Another project for OK Video 2005, International Video Competition held by Ruang Rupa, Jakarta
youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViIOftW8Dsk

another link in Sigit Kusumawijaya Multilpy site: http://sigitkusumawijaya.multiply.com/video/item/46

Work Description:
Title: Is This the End of Us
Director: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Editing: Sigit Kusumawijaya
Duration: 5'18''
* Entry for
OK Video 2005, International Video Competition held by Ruang Rupa, Jakarta